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Air Guard


Unite to fight the epidemic

Air Guard antibacterial vaporizers are pioneering epidemic prevention for in public and commercial spaces


Over the past few years the Coronavirus has been running rampant all over the world. Yet, the people and the country of Taiwan were able to prevent it from taking off. However in 2022, the more contagious virus Omicron variants broke through all the safeguards causing infection rates to soar. Transmission chains are too widespread and can longer be used to track sources and stop infection clusters. As a result public and work spaces have become a source of risk and a cause for fear.

Air Guard’s latest product, the AG-1500, is designed for use in medium to large areas such as banks, post offices, classrooms, libraries, restaurants, etc. It has adjustable output and 10 different timer settings to optimize output for room size. It comes with a wireless remote and both manual and timed output for easy and convenient operation.

The AG-1500 can be perfectly paired with Air Guard antibacterial liquid. It produces a 3D nano-fog that forms a long-lasting protective film completely covering irregular surfaces and even coats individual fibers of fabrics. This allows for prolonged and enhanced sanitizing. Even without any airflow or circulation, Brownian motion causes the fog to completely fill the treatment area and stay in the air for more than 60 minutes, enhancing the overall antibacterial effect.

As the COVID-19 epidemic rages on. We must bear the burden in all areas of our work and public lives. Fighting the epidemic and returning to more normal conditions by sanitizing our shared spaces in both the public the private sectors is the top priority. We are all in the same boat, so we must battle the epidemic together. The people of Taiwan are resolute in the face of the virus as we work to protect our well-being and get through this difficult time safely.